3 Beliefs Keeping You Trapped in The Wrong Career

You may feel like you are completely stuck in a job that’s not the right fit for you. Like you are trapped with just no way out, but the good news is: the only thing actually keeping you trapped, is your beliefs.

In this episode, I’ll help you start to deconstruct and poke holes in the three most common categories of beliefs that are keeping you trapped.

The beliefs look something like:

  1. The options are limited.
  2. I’m limited.
  3. My time is limited.

Join me as we break down these limitations and explore practical ways to move past them.

This episode is designed to challenge your perspective so you can see the limitless possibilities that are actually available to you.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

How Limiting Beliefs Are Keeping You Stuck in Your Career

As a career coach, I’ve worked with many people who feel stuck in their careers. They know they’re unhappy, but they can’t seem to figure out what to do next. Oftentimes, what’s holding them back are limiting beliefs. These beliefs are thoughts and ideas we hold about ourselves and the world around us that restrict our potential and prevent us from pursuing our dreams.

In this episode, I’ll share with you the three most common limiting beliefs I’ve encountered and how they’re keeping you trapped in your career. I’ll also offer some tips on how to overcome these beliefs and start doing work you truly enjoy.

“The Options Are Limited.”

One of the most prevalent limiting beliefs I’ve encountered is the idea that the options for a career change are limited. People often feel like they’re stuck in their current career because there are no other options available. However, this is far from the truth. There are countless career paths out there, and the only thing holding you back from exploring them is yourself.

To overcome this belief, start by broadening your horizons. Research different industries and job roles that interest you. Talk to people who work in those fields and ask them what their day-to-day work is like. The more you learn, the more options you’ll discover.

“I’m Limited.”

Another limiting belief that keeps people stuck is the idea that they’re limited in some way. They may feel like they don’t have the skills or experience necessary to pursue a different career. However, this is also false. You are capable of learning and growing in any direction you choose.

To overcome this belief, start by identifying your strengths and weaknesses. What skills do you excel at, and what could you improve on? Then, look for opportunities to learn and develop new skills. Take classes, attend workshops, or volunteer in a related field. The more you grow, the more opportunities will become available.

“My Time Is Limited.”

The final limiting belief I want to discuss is the idea that time is limited. People often feel like they’ve invested too much time and energy into their current career to start over. However, this is also false. It’s never too late to make a change and pursue work that truly fulfills you.

To overcome this belief, start by clarifying your purpose. What do you really want to do with your life? What are your values, passions, and strengths? When you know yourself deeply, you’ll be able to make choices that align with your purpose. Also, remember that you don’t have to meet all the qualifications listed in a job description to land a job. So, don’t be afraid to apply for positions that may seem out of reach.


Limiting beliefs can be powerful, but they don’t have to hold you back. By recognizing these beliefs and taking steps to overcome them, you can start doing work you truly enjoy. Remember that the options for a career change are not limited, you are not limited, and your time is not limited. The only limitation is the one you impose on yourself.

So, if you’re feeling stuck in your career, start by questioning your beliefs. Are they really true, or are they just holding you back? Then, take action to broaden your horizons, develop new skills, and clarify your purpose. By doing so, you’ll be well on your way to a more fulfilling career and life.

“Start small, take action, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes. Each step you take will bring you closer to your goals.”

Chelsea Turgeon

Click here to join us for the Clarify Your Purpose workshop starting Sep 18th

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