3 Secrets to Taking Your Big Leap

I’ve dwelled a lot on this blog about how miserable I was during residency and that is not an earth shattering revelation for anyone. Residency is widely known in the medical community to be a very miserable time in all young doctors’ lives. In my decision to quit residency, I was definitely moving AWAY from pain, there is not doubt about that. But what I haven’t shared as much about, was that I was also moving TOWARDS pleasure.

I knew there was something MORE for me to give and to contribute to the world. I knew that I wasn’t yet scratching the surface of the amount of joy and purpose I could create in my life. While I was not sure exactly what shape or form my new life would take, I had a sense that there was something greater that I was meant for and I felt an obligation to move towards that.

But how did I know that?

The truth is, I didn’t exactly KNOW it. Because there was no real “proof”.

However, over the years I have developed some core beliefs that influence the way I see the world. Beliefs about how the world operates and what our role is on this planet. Beliefs about what is possible. Beliefs about what this human experience is all about.

I think that seeing the world from this perspective is a HUGE part of what compelled me to pivot from my career in medicine into coaching and traveling the world.

I want to shine some light on these beliefs and the inner workings of my mind so that you can understand what made me brave enough to take my big leap. And maybe just maybe…. adopt some of these beliefs for yourself.

First some disclaimers…

Since I know this can be a touchy subject, I do want to put up some disclaimers for any potential naysayers out there.

I by no means have it all figured out and I definitely don’t claim to. I don’t think that my beliefs are necessarily the right ones nor do I think the concepts of right and wrong even apply when it comes to this intangible stuff. These are simply the beliefs that ring true to me. This is what I am currently choosing to accept as true. You can take these or leave these! I am not here to convince you of anything. I just want to let you in on what beliefs are currently serving me in case it helps propel you towards something greater in your own life.

And then another note, I use the word Universe instead of God. This is essentially the same concept as God, however I personally use the word Universe because it feels more open to me. You can substitute in whatever word that you like best. God. Source. Higher Power. Love. Creator.

Whatever floats your cosmic boat.

I believe in purpose

I don’t think we were put here randomly. I don’t think any of us are merely spectators or accessories or non-essential personnel. I don’t think we ended up in these human bodies by accident. I believe that each of us are, in fact, unique little snowflakes.

We each have gifts we are meant to share. A message we are called to spread and ways that we alone are supposed to serve the world around us and contribute to the greater good

I don’t think we are here on this planet to merely pass the time or exist. To find a way to pay our bills, save up for retirement and then die. I mean, yuck. That sounds like such an uninspiring life.

I wholeheartedly believe that each of us has meaningful work we are meant to do. Work that lights us up. Work that we can immerse ourselves in. Work that makes our souls shout “YES! This is exactly what I’m here for!”

Basically, what I’m describing here is PURPOSE. I believe that each of us has a purpose.

I think it is our mission to:

  1. Find out what our purpose is….
  2. And live it.

The reason this belief started pointing me away from medicine is because I didn’t feel like being a doctor was my true purpose.

While many of my colleagues would geek out about the latest surgical techniques, and high-risk, “cool” obstetrical cases, I never felt that same sense of excitement or interest in these things.

My obsession was more with devouring personal growth books and podcasts and figuring out all about the inner workings of my mind and soul. My decision to quit residency was more about leaning into my true curiosities and purpose than anything else.

I believe all of the answers are inside of us

I believe each of us has a little slice of the infinite Universe inside of us. I personally like to call this my “inner voice” or “my intuition”. You may call it your gut or “ your soul” or “following your heart”.

I believe that this inner voice is constantly trying to guide us into our higher purpose.

However, many of us are not aware of this voice or have never really learned to tune in and listen to it.

Instead we listen to the noise of the world around us. We listen to what society tells us we should do, what our parents or teachers want for us, we copy what our friends are doing. We look externally for answers when really the only place we should be looking is within ourselves.

Many of us either don’t know about this inner guidance or we have no idea how to access it. I wrote a whole post about my process for following my intuition if you want to read more about my approach.

And to sum it up, I believe its possible to access this inner wisdom in different ways. Sometimes we can feel a nudge pulling us in a certain direction or inspiring us to take action. Sometimes we can hear actual words of guidance. Sometimes we just have a “gut feeling” inside of us. Some people may even access this wisdom through prayer or meditation or quiet contemplation. The important thing to do is tune in, because only when you listen can you hear the guidance.

When I was making the decision to quit residency, I made it a point to write to my intuition on a regular basis. I kept hearing things like “this is not YOUR work” and “this is not YOUR path”. Listening to my inner voice helped lead me away from my career in medicine into this new life I’m living.

I believe in trusting the Universe

I believe that the Universe is always conspiring in our favor. And when I say our favor, I mean in favor of our highest good.

Basically, I believe that everything will work out. That when I am listening to my inner voice as best as I can. When I am tuning into my inner wisdom. When I am asking the universe for guidance, that I will be led in the right direction.

I believe that I don’t have to figure this out on my own. That although all the answers are inside of me, I don’t have to personally come up with these answers or solutions. I don’t have to rely on my own strength. There is a force much greater than me at work. My job is to get clear on the WHAT and the WHY and the universe will help me out with the HOW.

Now this is not at all easy to live out, because usually when we follow our intuition, it doesn’t give us a 5 year plan with bulleted action steps. Our intuition really only gives us the next right step. But this belief was so crucial in allowing me to take my big leap away from medicine without any real “safety net”.

When I made the decision to quit residency, I didn’t have a 5 year plan. I didn’t have any guarantee that I could build a financially successful business. I didn’t know how I was going to pay back my loans or make a living for myself. I didn’t (and STILL don’t) know HOW any of this was going to work out.

But, what I DO know, what I DO believe, is that my success is inevitable. I DO know that the Universe will guide me in the direction of the my highest good and highest purpose. I DO know that all I have to do is show up every day and ask for my next right step and my life will unfold in magical ways. And this belief gives me peace amidst the chaos and unknown.

So hopefully peeling back the curtains a bit on my belief system was helpful for you! And now I want to hear from you. What about you? What do you believe? And how have these beliefs helped serve you and propel you towards a better life?

And if you think your beliefs are not serving you, then I recommend trying to adopt some new, more empowering beliefs!

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