3 Steps To Figure Out What To Do if You Are Unhappy with Your Career

Have you ever felt your mind racing non-stop about why you’re unhappy with your career and what you can do to change it?

One of my clients called this the “mind tornado,” and it’s SO real.

You stay up late at night searching Google for career options while plotting your escape from your current job.

So how do you stop this mental torture and actually figure out what’s next?

In this episode, I break down 3 practical steps to calm that storm and get you moving forward.

I talk you through:

  • mental and somatic strategies you can use to STOP the mind tornado
  • the exact steps you need to take to figure out what’s next for you career
  • how to choose the option that’s going to be best for you long term

This episode will provide you with the guidance and direction

that you need to get unstuck

and actually start making progress on your exit strategy.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

If You Are Unhappy With Your Career, Step 1: Down Regulate Your Nervous System

When you’re thinking about a career change, it’s natural to feel scared about the unknown.

The problem is, fear puts your brain in a state that’s horrible for problem-solving.

When you’re in “fight or flight” mode, the part of your brain responsible for reasoning and planning goes offline. This makes it really hard to think clearly and make balanced decisions.

If you find yourself in a mental tailspin, take a break.

Step away from the computer, close those career websites, and recognize that you need to calm down.

Here are some techniques to help you do that:

Trapezoid Breathing

Sit down, place one hand on your heart and the other on your belly.

Breathe deeply from your belly, not your chest.

Inhale for two counts, hold for two, and exhale for three counts.

Then hold your breath out for two counts.

If that’s too easy, try inhaling for three, holding for three, exhaling for four, and holding for four.

This type of breathing signals to your body that it’s safe, which helps you calm down.

Yoga and Sun Salutations

A simple sun salutation sequence can do wonders.

Match your breath to your movements—inhale as you raise your hands, exhale as you bow down.

Find a YouTube video to guide you through this if you’re unsure of the movements.

Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique)

This is a great way to move from anxiety to a state of calm.

Search for “Brad Yates” on YouTube followed by whatever emotion you’re feeling, like “fear” or “anxiety.”

His videos guide you through the tapping process and can leave you feeling incredibly relaxed.

If You Are Unhappy With Your Career, Step 2: Connect to Yourself

Whenever you keep vacillating between different plans, you need to stop and figure out what is truly right for you.

This requires distinguishing between your inner voice and the voices of fear, expectations from others, or the need to impress.

Daily Check-in

Start every morning by asking yourself, “How do I feel?”

Turn your attention to your body to get the answer.

Do you feel tired?



Doing this builds a connection with your inner self and makes it easier to recognize what feels true for you.

Recognizing Truth in Your Body

When something rings true, your body relaxes. You feel calmer and relieved. If something’s not true, you’ll feel tension and stiffness.

Although this might seem subtle at first, the more you practice, the more you will discern what your true desires are.

If You Are Unhappy With Your Career, Step 3: Switch from Convergent to Divergent Thinking

We have two main modes of thinking: convergent and divergent.

Knowing when to use each one can change everything.

Convergent Thinking

This type of thinking helps you find a single, correct solution to a problem.

It’s great for structured tasks like planning your med school application.

But when you’re looking for a job that really fulfills you, convergent thinking can make you feel stuck.

Divergent Thinking

Divergent thinking lets you generate creative ideas by exploring many possible solutions.

It’s free-flowing and imaginative.

Use this for brainstorming career paths or imagining different ways to use your skills.

How to Switch from One to the Other

When you notice yourself engaging in convergent thinking—like looking for a specific list of career options online—try shifting to divergent thinking instead.

Ask yourself open-ended questions.

Consider unconventional paths or combinations of interests.

Expand all the possibilities first, then narrow them down using convergent thinking.

This way, you can balance creativity with practical action.

Breaking the Cycle of Being Unhappy with Your Career

Once you start using your brain as a tool for finding solutions rather than as a source of endless worry, everything changes.

You’ll start making tangible progress on your exit strategy on being unhappy with your career and feel more at peace with the process.

Try one of these steps today.

Notice how it makes you feel, and start integrating these practices into your daily life.

You’ll find that the mind tornado calms down, and you’ll start to see clearer skies ahead.

Keep moving forward, one step at a time, towards a future that fulfills you.

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