3 Truths About “Realistic Goals” That Nobody Told You

In the past year, have you had a moment that made you feel like you were trapped in the wrong career? You are longing to find a career that gives you more freedom and fulfillment, but it doesn’t actually feel realistic. Maybe you have some career ideas, but most of them don’t feel actually attainable. You are trying so hard to be “realistic” about your next steps and you feel so trapped.

In this episode, I break down 3 truths about “realistic goals” that no one is talking about.

You’ll learn.

  • What breaking the 4-minute mile taught us about the power of mindset in achieving the impossible
  • How evolutions in technology, society, and culture influence what is truly “realistic”.
  • The difference between being practical and being realistic (which is such a game changer!)

If you are feeling trapped in the wrong career and are trying to find a realistic path out, this episode is one you HAVE to listen to.

If this episode resonated with you, I invite you to join me for part two of the “Clarify Your Purpose” workshop. I’ll help you stop feeling trapped and finally figure out your career direction.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Dreaming Beyond Realistic Limits: Embracing the Power of Impossibility

As human beings, we often limit ourselves by what we believe is realistic or attainable. We set goals based on what has been done before, without considering the vast potential for growth and achievement that lies within us. But what if being realistic isn’t all it’s cracked up to be? What if we could break free from the confines of our own minds and embrace the power of impossibility?

The Influence of Mindset on Reality

What we perceive as realistic is highly influenced by our mindset. Our beliefs shape our reality, creating boundaries and limitations that may not actually exist. Take, for example, the legendary four-minute mile. For years, it was believed to be an insurmountable barrier for runners. Countless athletes attempted to break this record, only to fall short. It seemed impossible. Until it wasn’t.

The Shifting Sands of Possibility

As new technologies emerge and society evolves, our perception of what is realistic changes. What was once deemed impossible becomes attainable. Just think about the advancements in transportation or career opportunities in the digital age. What was once unrealistic is now within reach. We must recalibrate our vision of what is possible and adapt to the ever-expanding landscape of potential.

Unleashing Your Impractical Potential

Being realistic and being practical are not one and the same. Practicality involves the day-to-day actions and incremental progress needed to succeed. It’s about taking practical steps towards an unrealistic goal. We don’t have to compromise safety or sensibility to chase our wildest dreams. We can embrace the power of impossibility while still being practical and methodical.

Overcoming the Fear of Impracticality

Fear often holds us back from pursuing our dreams. We hide behind the guise of being realistic, afraid of disappointment or rejection. But what if being realistic is just a defense mechanism? What if we could push beyond our comfort zones and dare to dream big? It’s time to challenge the status quo and let our imagination run wild.

Embracing an Unrealistic Life

Living a realistic life is safe, but it’s also unfulfilling. We owe it to ourselves to dream beyond the confines of what is considered attainable. We can set wildly unrealistic goals and work towards them in a safe and practical manner. By expanding our beliefs and challenging our own limitations, we can create a reality that surpasses our wildest dreams.

In conclusion, it is really important that we break free from the confinements of our perceived limitations and challenge what we consider to be realistic. By doing so, we can fully embrace and harness the transformative power of the seemingly impossible, thus unlocking our untapped potential. It is absolutely crucial that we dare to dream on a grand scale, setting our sights high and living a life that surpasses even our most daring expectations. So, I kindly ask you, have the courage to envision a reality that goes beyond the boundaries of what is deemed realistic, and be amazed as the world reveals its wonders before your very eyes.

“If you’re telling yourself something’s not realistic, not attainable or not practical, you definitely want to check in and say, ‘Is that actually true?’

Chelsea Turgeon

Click here to join us for the Clarify Your Purpose workshop

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