Breaking the cycle of anxiety to relieve burnout

Do you feel like you are an anxious person? That you are constantly bombarded by stressful situations that you don’t have control over? Experiencing stress and anxiety on a regular basis can lead to burnout and keep us from enjoying our lives.

In the podcast this week, I am sharing an exclusive clip of a training that is inside the Burnout Recovery Bundle. In this training, you will learn

  • why you experience anxiety on a neurological level- including the two main pathways that trigger anxiety
  • How to interrupt or modify your brain circuitry to reduce your anxiety
  • 3 practical strategies you can implement right away to reduce your anxiety.

This training will help you understand HOW your anxiety works, so you can start to REDUCE it.

This is just ONE of the bonus trainings included inside the Burnout Recovery Bundle, a self-paced online course to take control of your burnout and STOP feeling so drained.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

My Journey to Overcoming Anxiety

Anxiety can be a frustrating and overwhelming experience. I know this firsthand as I’ve struggled with patterns of worry and anxiety for a long time. However, as I began to understand the underlying thought patterns and processes in my brain, I discovered hope for change and inner peace.

Unraveling the Patterns of Anxiety

One of the most empowering realizations on my journey was recognizing the existence of patterns in my brain. I discovered that my anxious thoughts were not random or uncontrollable, but rather conditioned patterns that I had developed over time. This understanding allowed me to take a step back and observe these patterns with a new perspective.

The Power of Cognitive Fusion

One particular process that contributes to anxiety is cognitive fusion. It is the belief that all our thoughts are absolute truths, without room for questioning. I often found myself accepting worry thoughts as reality, even when there was no factual evidence to support them. This constant fusion of thoughts intensified my anxiety and made it difficult to find peace.

Mindfulness Meditation: Finding Space Amidst the Chaos

Mindfulness meditation became my refuge in the journey to overcome anxiety. By sitting in silence and focusing on my breath, I created a space between myself and my thoughts. I learned that meditation is not about controlling or stopping thoughts but rather observing them without judgment. This practice reduced cognitive fusion, allowing me to see my thoughts from a more objective standpoint.

Shifting Focus: A Gateway to Calm

Changing my point of focus played a crucial role in managing anxiety. I realized that when I dwelled on negative outcomes and things I couldn’t control, my anxiety escalated. By consciously shifting my focus to what I had and what I could control, I shifted my perspective from threat to possibility. This simple yet powerful strategy helped me interpret situations differently and reduced anxiety.

The Power of Ritual: An End-of-Day Calming Practice

Implementing an end-of-workday ritual had a profound impact on my stress levels. This ritual served as a signal to my body and mind that it was time to relax and let go of work-related stress. Whether it was singing a favorite song, deep breathing, or a short yoga sequence, this simple practice downregulated my nervous system, providing a much-needed sense of calm.

Embracing a Journey of Growth

My journey to overcoming anxiety has been a transformative experience. I’ve learned that worry and anxiety are not necessary for success or well-being. By challenging my old thought patterns, practicing mindfulness, shifting focus, and embracing calming rituals, I’ve found a path to inner peace. It takes time and effort, but the rewards are worth it.

Remember, you have the power to rewire your thought patterns and find freedom from anxiety. Start by recognizing the patterns, practicing mindfulness, shifting your focus, and implementing calming rituals. Embrace this journey of growth and know that you are not alone. Together, we can find peace amidst the chaos of anxiety.

This weekend (through Oct 31st) the Burnout Recovery Bundle will be 32% off if you use the code BIRTHDAY32.

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