Celebrating 100 Episodes Together!

In this special 100th episode, I share my celebration process and encourage listeners to acknowledge their wins and progress.

I talk about

  • the most surprising thing I’ve realized about my life after medicine
  • what I want this podcast to stand for going forward
  • some of my favorite listener stories from the Life After Medicine community

This episode is a celebration of life, growth, and the journey towards fulfillment.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

We have made it to the hundredth episode, and what a beautiful time and celebration it is. I just want to thank all of you for joining me on this special and non-traditional episode today as we celebrate. You may have noticed that we have different cover art happening, which I’m excited about to usher in this new era.

I want to take you through my celebration process because the celebration is something I do with my clients at the beginning of every call. It helps them acknowledge their wins and their progress. I am almost guaranteed that you don’t celebrate yourself enough. You are waiting until you hit these huge milestones and benchmarks and even then, you’re just letting them pass you by. You are not taking this time to pause and really celebrate what a journey this has been.

When I do this with my clients, we celebrate everything. We celebrate emailing somebody, sending out an application, and showing up in a different way. We celebrate every little moment along the way. Yes, reaching the hundredth episode of a podcast that I created from scratch is a big milestone. But I want to challenge you to find something within your life that you want to celebrate right now.

Life After Medicine Manifesto

I have written down some general ideas about what I want the message of this podcast to be. These are all messages that we don’t hear enough in our society. That is capitalistic, patriarchal, and based on white supremacy and all of these sorts of dominating systems. The ones I have are:

  • If you’re struggling, it’s not because there’s something wrong with you.
  • There is nothing wrong with you. Ever.
  • The most powerful words that you can say are “This isn’t working for me.”
  • It’s okay to quit something that’s not serving you.
  • You deserve to be happy. There is no reason to settle for misery.
  • There is no such thing as a pipe dream. If there is something you are longing for, you get to listen to that.

Life After Medicine: Real Liveliness

Life after medicine is not just life as in the things that you can do. It’s life as in real liveliness. That’s what I want all of you to experience. There’s so much life after medicine, and it’s not just life as in here’s what could happen after leaving medicine, but it’s life as in this liveliness that’s allowed to be expressed. When you’re no longer participating in a system that continually suppresses your humanity, there’s this life that fills in those spaces.

Life is the ability to experience time instead of rushing through it. When I was working in the medical field, I just had this continuous sense that there was a ticking clock running in the background, and I never had enough time. And everything needed to be so productive, and I didn’t want to waste any time. But now, time has opened up. And this way of I can spend time lavishly. I can spend time just lounging. I can spend time savoring and enjoying and just being, and I can have a slow morning. I can wake up and watch Netflix in the morning and not feel guilty about it. And I can just revel in this slowness. I can make a decision to walk somewhere instead of driving or taking a cab or a taxi, even though it’s going to take an hour to walk there. I can walk there because I have time. That’s where life is.

Sharing Stories and Spreading the Word

I want to spread this message further to reach more people and to get to more platforms because the community we’re creating, the messages that we’re talking about here, they’re so important, and they matter. And when people don’t know these things, there’s a lot more suffering. That’s there’s a lot more unnecessary suffering that happens. So, the more you can share this podcast, the more you can share these messages, the more you can help me spread the word and spread the messages. If this is something that you believe in, then I would love for you to keep sharing and keep supporting in that way.

Thank you to everyone who has been a part of this journey and celebration. Here’s to many more episodes and opportunities to celebrate life after medicine! 🥂

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