Finding Clarity as a Healthcare Professional—Even If “You Have No Idea What You Want”

Have you ever felt lost and confused about finding clarity as a healthcare professional?

Like you’ve mapped out your whole life,

only to wonder if you’ve been on the right path?

By the time you become a clinician,

you’ve dedicated over a decade to this dream.

Medicine defines your future,

your identity.

But what happens when you start questioning this long-term career path?

Even though it feels like you have no clue what you want….

this is actually NOT true!

In this episode, I share the 3 types of clarity

you probably ALREADY have-

and why it’s crucial to recognize them now!

If you are ready to stop feeling lost and start leveraging the clarity you already possess.

You are going to want to tune in!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

Negative Clarity: Knowing What You Don’t Want in Finding Clarity as a Healthcare Professional

You already have a pretty clear picture of what you don’t want.

And that’s a huge piece of the puzzle.

Maybe you don’t want to take the stress of the job home with you.

Perhaps you dread the idea of being rushed during patient visits or spending more time documenting than actually treating patients.

So let’s flip it.

If you don’t want to feel rushed, maybe you want longer patient interactions or less documentation.

If taking stress home is a no-go, maybe you crave more calm and the ability to leave work at work.

Every “I don’t want” can flip into a “I want.”

This negative clarity helps you know what to pursue in your career.

Write down everything you dislike and flip it, turning negatives into positives. This can make a huge difference.

Micro Clarity: Small Moments of Insight in Finding Clarity as a Healthcare Professional

Micro clarity involves the small, specific moments that give you a glimpse into what fulfills you.

These are the little nuggets of information about your preferences and strengths.

Think about it.

Do you feel energized when solving complex diagnoses?

Did you enjoy giving a presentation at grand rounds?

Maybe you just love medieval history or working with people.

Jot down these moments.

They may seem small, but when you piece them together, they form a clearer picture.

Knowing these little truths helps you make informed decisions about your next steps.

Directional Clarity: The Bigger Picture

While micro clarity zooms in on details, directional clarity takes a step back.

It’s like playing the hotter/colder game we all loved as kids.

If you’re moving the right way, warmer! The wrong way, colder.

You already have a general sense of direction.

Maybe you want to work remotely, spend more time with family, or engage in more meaningful interactions with patients.

Identify this broader direction.

It doesn’t need to be specific.

It just needs to be a general sense of where you’d like to go.

For instance, if you know you want to travel more, look for remote job opportunities.

If you want fewer work hours, consider part-time or better-paid locums work.

The key is to move in the direction that feels right and take action.

Even small steps matter.

Putting It All Together

To recap: you already have negative, micro, and directional clarity.

The challenge is acknowledging them and using them to guide your decisions.

  1. Identify Your Negative Clarity: List out all the things you don’t want in your current role. Flip them into things you do want.
  2. Gather Your Micro Clarity: Take note of the small moments that give you joy or satisfaction. Think about how these can inform your career choices.
  3. Trust Your Directional Clarity: Determine the general direction you want to move towards. Take small steps in this direction and see how they feel.

Feeling lost and confused is a normal part of the journey.

But you’re not as lost as you think.

You have more clarity than you realize.

By leveraging these three types of clarity, you can start moving towards a path that feels fulfilling and aligned with your true desires.

Remember, direction is more important than speed.

Most people rush without really knowing where they’re going.

Collect the clarity you have, start moving, and let additional clarity unfold with each step.

In the end, the journey to finding what you truly want may look different from the traditional path you knew.

And that’s okay.

Embrace this new approach and keep taking steps.

You already have more clarity than you think.

Use it to build a career that not only makes a difference but also makes you happy.

And if you want to find work you enjoy that doesn’t burn you out- don’t miss our free training on June 6th Register HERE

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