How To Follow Your Heart Like A Boss

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There’s Gotta Be Something More… Right?

Have you ever felt aimless or lost in your life? That feeling that something is off, but you can’t quite put your finger on it? Have you ever felt burnt out? Ever woken up on a Monday morning already exhausted and the only thing on your mind was “when can I nap?”

Or maybe you are feeling disillusioned and wondering “is this all there is?” Maybe you are chasing down the things you thought SHOULD make you happy (fancy car, hunky partner, prestigious career)- only to find these things shockingly empty.

Can you related to any of these feelings? Because let me tell you, I have been there.

Seeking Happiness In The Wrong Places

I spent 4 years in medical school prioritizing studying, test grades, and evaluations over essentially everything else in my life. I had this misguided notion that IF I worked hard enough and matched into a top residency program, THEN I would be happy.

I was caught in that dangerous if, then game.

My fourth year of medical school I got exactly what I wanted. I matched into my first choice program. It was ranked as the #3 program in the country for my specialty. I was thrilled. But that feeling of elation lasted for about an hour.

Its like the quote by US tennis player Martina Navratilova “The moment of victory is much too short to live for that and nothing else”

Or, if your a Harry Potter fan the quote by Albus Dumbledore “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”.

I realized that the “dreams” I was chasing- were not actually MY dreams. Graduating medical school and becoming an OBGYN wasn’t what I really wanted.  What I was actually seeking, was a sense of worthiness and approval and I was looking for it in all the wrong places.

I let the “Wow, you’re a doctor!” and the “Ooh medical school is hard to get into” and all those small nuggets of external approval guide me. I got lost in this external praise instead of turning to my internal compass to elucidate my path.

What Is Your True Purpose?

I think what all of us are TRULY looking for is a sense of purpose; that feeling that ‘this is where I’m supposed to be’.

Rob Bell talks about this sense of knowing that “this is your gift, this is your path, this is who you are here to serve. This is how you are to break yourself open and pour yourself out”.

For me, the answer was to quit my career in medicine, sell all of my things and move to South Korea. Your answer does NOT have to be that drastic. It will not necessarily look like mine.

Maybe what you need is to buy that watercolor set and start painting or to sit at a coffee shop once a week and start working on that novel you’ve been what to write.

You Have All The Answers

I can’t tell you whether or not to quit your job. I can’t tell you how you can add more meaning, purpose and joy into your life. I firmly believe all of those answers are inside you.

Whether you call it your gut feeling, or following your heart or “women’s intuition” they are all pointing towards the same truth. You have all the answers. It is all about tuning into your own inner guidance system and following your own individual path.

We all have this power and I want to help you harness it in your own life! I created this “Soul Searching 101” freebie with YOU in mind.

The purpose of this freebie is to inspire you to ask the right questions and learn how to start listening for the answers. These are all the things that helped me go from burnt out and confused to confidently pursuing my purpose.

This guide is meant to be a launching point to a more soulful fulfilled way of living. I cannot wait for you to get started!

Sign up now for your Soul Searching 101 Freebie.

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