How to Make a Career Change For Doctors WITHOUT the Overwhelm

Do you want a step-by-step process to make a career change for doctors? Do you feel like you are hitting a wall with your career transition? Are you trying to pivot out of clinical medicine but are at a bit of a standstill.

Maybe you feel overwhelmed by the number of alternative career choices and don’t know where to start. Maybe you just don’t have the time or energy to deal with the logistics of making a career change when you have a full-time job.

In this episode, I share with you 3 types of overwhelm you may be experiencing when it comes to making a career change, plus practical steps you can take to counteract each one. I also share a really helpful trick for creating a to-do list that does NOT induce overwhelm. (This tip is SUCH a game changer!)

If you are struggling when it comes to changing careers, this episode will help you STOP procrastinating and actually start making forward progress toward the job that is right for you.

Listen in using the audio player above, or click here to listen on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Career Change for Doctors Can Be Overwhelming

But where does the overwhelm come from? 

According to Sahara Rose, in the book Discover Your Dharma, there are three different types of overwhelm. Each specific type of overwhelm can come into play during a career change for doctors (or really anyone for that matter.)

  • Vata Overwhelm:
    • You have so many ideas you don’t know where to start. You feel scattered, confused, and unfocused. 
    • There may be so many different career paths you could see for yourself, but you have trouble choosing one. There are too many possibilities and you have trouble making decisions and taking action.
  • Pitta Overwhelm:
    • Simply put you have way too much on your plate. There is too much to do and too little time. Even though you know what the tasks are, there is not a clear plan for navigating all the different tasks. 
    • Making a career change for doctors requires time. When you already have a full-time job, adding all the tasks required for changing careers can put you over the edge. 
  • Kaptha Overwhelm:
    • You don’t have the energy to do what needs to be done. Your body physically can’t get itself to do the things. You know what needs to be done. You have your to-do list, but you are not doing it.
    • Basically, this looks like procrastinating your career change. You have jobs bookmarked that you want to apply for. You have a list of tasks that you want to accomplish, but instead, you are doing nothing.

The Change Doesn’t Have to be So Hard

This is exactly why I have created The Career Transition Planner, which helps you create a step-by-step plan for a stress-free career change for doctors. (As a side note- it’s also a great resource for ANY healthcare professional looking to change careers.)

You can purchase the planner by clicking here. When you do, you get immediate access to an 8-page PDF and an 80-minute video where I walk you through how to fill out each part of the planner.

What people are saying about the planner:

3 Steps to make a career change for doctors without the overwhelm:

  1. Evaluate where you are currently
  2. Make decisions about what’s important to you
  3. Identify bite-sized action steps for forward progress.

Let’s go into each one.

#1 Evaluate where you are currently

This means taking a good hard look at the realities of your current career situation. You must do this in three major areas.

Area #1 Finances:

  • You need to understand what your monthly expenses are, what are your current savings, and what is your debt/ loan situation (especially in terms of monthly payments.)
  • When you have awareness around your financial picture you are equipped with the knowledge required to make a career change for doctors.

Area # 2 Time and Energy

  • You need to get real about how much time you currently have to devote to a career change. It’s additionally important to create a timeline for your career change. Evaluate how much time you can remain in your current situation without losing your mind.

Area # 3 Self Exploration

  • Where are you at in terms of knowing yourself and what you want? You don’t want to jump ship from one unhappy career into the next. It’s imperative that you get clear on the problem.
  • Do you know why you are unhappy? Do you know what will make you happy? Do you know what your gifts and talents and zone of genius are and how you can best leverage that in your career to serve people and make money?

#2 Make Decisions About What’s Important To You

These decisions include things like:

  • determining your quit date
  • deciding if you need a bridge job
  • deciding to temporarily cut or eliminate certain expenses to give you wiggle room.

In the Career Transition Planner, I walk you through the key decisions you need to make when it comes to making a career change for doctors.

#3 Identify Bite-Sized Action Steps

Finally, you have to identify the action steps required for forwarding progress. I firmly believe in small intentional actions that move the needle. 

Many people approach a career change by applying for dozens of jobs and feeling very spastic. This is unnecessary and is just a waste of time and energy. 

What I believe in is pausing, taking time to plan, and intentionally do actions that move the needle. Within the planner, I help you identify what those actions are for YOU. Then we break them down into bite sized pieces that you can realistically fit into your schedule.

In the Career Transition Planner, I walk you through all of this step by step so you can have a clear, easy to follow plan for changing careers and you can actually make forward progress without the overwhelm.

When you grab your planner, you will get instant access to:

  • An 8 page printable PDF
  • An 80-minute video to guide you through the planning process

After using The Career Transition Planner you will:

  • Have a clear vision of WHY you are changing careers and what you hope to accomplish in the process
  • Choose and plan for your quit date
  • Decide if you need a bridge job
  • Be guided through a self-exploration process so you can choose the RIGHT job, and not just a NEW job
  • Have a simple, straightforward action plan for approaching your career change.

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