How to STOP Spinning your Wheels and Finally Figure Out your Career Direction

Have you been stuck in analysis paralysis- not sure what career path to take? Or maybe you have a few different ideas and threads, but you aren’t sure how to turn it into something specific and tangible. You need to find a clear direction- but you aren’t sure how to go about doing that.

In this episode I break down the #1 reason you are struggling to find a clear direction and how to fix that!

You’ll learn:

  1. Why all the actions you think are productive may actually be a form of procrastination
  2. The ONE mindset shift you need to make to start making real progress towards figuring out what you want
  3. 6 keys to taking intentional, decisive action that finally moves your forward.

If you are feeling stuck in the “I don’t know what’s next” phase of your career, this episode is going to be EXACTLY what you need. Let’s dive in!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

How to Overcome Procrastination and Find Clarity in Your Career

As someone who has struggled with procrastination and indecision in my career, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be to feel stuck and unsure of what to do next. But as I’ve learned through my own experiences and working with clients, the key to finding clarity is to take action, even if it feels scary.

The Problem with Procrastination

When we’re procrastinating, we often convince ourselves that we’re being productive by researching and planning. We might read books, take courses, or get more certifications, but we’re not actually making progress towards our goals. This is what I call “productive procrastination” – we’re doing things that feel like work, but we’re not taking the real actions that will help us move forward.

The Solution: Clarity Through Action

The only way to truly gain clarity is to take action. This is what I call “clarity through action.” It means doing something, even if you’re not sure it’s the right thing, and using that experience to inform your next steps. The action should be intentional, decisive, and put you in contact with the actual people you might want to help.

The Leap Action Framework

To take intentional action, I use the Leap Action Framework with my clients. This framework consists of small, bite-sized actions that answer a specific question and are designed to get you out of your comfort zone. The action should be simple and done in less than two weeks, so you can quickly gain clarity without investing too much time or money.

My Personal Journey

Using the Leap Action Framework, I was able to gain clarity in my own career when I left medicine and started exploring writing, coaching, and spirituality. I started taking action by writing blog posts, networking with other travel bloggers, and doing practice coaching sessions. Through these actions, I discovered that I didn’t enjoy writing about travel, but I loved coaching and helping people with spirituality and personal growth. This clarity led me to start my own coaching business.

Don’t get stuck in procrastination and planning mode. Take action, even if it’s scary, and use that experience to gain clarity in your career. If you’re struggling to find your direction, consider trying the Leap Action Framework or enrolling in a program like Authentic Career Alignment to get guidance and support. With intentional action, you can overcome procrastination and find the clarity you need to succeed.

“The solution to this is to take intentional decisive action towards gaining more clarity.”

Chelsea Turgeon

Click here to join us for the Clarify Your Purpose workshop starting September 18th and 25th

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