It’s not supposed to be this way. What to do when your career feels all wrong?

Have you ever felt a deep longing for something more in your healthcare career, even if you’re not sure where to begin? Do you find yourself daydreaming about breaking free from your current role, or even pursuing a completely different path in life? Do you yearn for greater fulfillment and purpose in your work? If you are feeling this way, remember that you are not alone.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to stop normalizing your feelings of discontent around your career.
  • How to ask the right questions and explore your values and passions to uncover a career path that aligns with your true self
  • About an upcoming opportunity for you to receive guidance, support, and practical tools to find a career that brings you freedom and fulfillment.

If you feel a sense of “wrongness” in your current life and find yourself daydreaming about a different path, you are going to want to listen to this episode!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Embracing Authentic Career Alignment

This week marks a significant moment for me as I open enrollment for my signature group program, “Authentic Career Alignment.” This program is designed for those who, like me, have experienced the feeling of being trapped in the wrong career and are yearning for a path that offers both freedom and fulfillment.

In this podcast episode, I want to share why I created this program and who it’s meant for. I draw inspiration from Charles Eisenstein’s profound quote about the sense of wrongness in the world, a sentiment I deeply resonated with during my time in residency. Let’s explore my journey and the reasons behind the creation of “Authentic Career Alignment.”

The Overwhelming Sense of Wrongness

Eisenstein’s words, “Life I knew was supposed to be more joyful than this. More real. More meaningful,” hit me hard during my demanding OB GYN residency. The underlying feeling that life shouldn’t be this way permeated my daily existence. I’m sure many of you can relate to this sense of being trapped and feeling like something is fundamentally wrong. My hope is that by sharing my experience, I can give voice to what you might be going through right now.

During those grueling 80-hour workweeks, I often daydreamed about escaping, hitting the open road and never looking back. These escape fantasies were a clear sign that I was in the wrong career, but I felt trapped, much like many of you have felt.

The Awakening Moment: Hiking the North Fork Mountain Trail

One unforgettable moment during my gyn-onc rotation stands out. It was my one precious day off, and I decided to go hiking with a co-resident in West Virginia. As I awoke in my hammock and beheld a breathtaking sunrise, a creeping sense of dread overshadowed the beauty. The realization hit me like a ton of bricks: I had to hike back down and return to work the next day. This was not the life I wanted—living for the weekend and dreading work.

Escape Fantasies and Disconnection

I began having radical escape fantasies, like driving to Utah and never returning. These fantasies are not normal, and they signaled that something was seriously wrong. Many of you may have had similar moments when you realized you were trapped in the wrong career.

I also felt the wrongness in my relationships; I was disconnected from my loved ones because they couldn’t comprehend my misery. This isolation wasn’t how life was meant to be lived, and it took a toll on me. I isolated myself partly to hide my misery from others, but it only deepened the sense of wrongness.

The Toll on Personal Activities and Vitality

My personal activities and hobbies dwindled. I wasn’t supposed to come home after work and collapse on the couch, devoid of energy for things I once loved. This constant fatigue left me feeling like an empty shell. Even self-care and vacations couldn’t restore my vitality.

This energy drain is a common experience for those in the wrong career. It crushes your spirit and passion, leaving you without the energy to truly live your life.

Mistakes Made in the Wrong Career

In my struggle, I made some mistakes. I compared myself to others who also seemed unhappy but better at tolerating it. This led to feelings of inadequacy. Additionally, I engaged in self-gaslighting, convincing myself that this was just how life was supposed to be, that enjoying my work was unrealistic.

Honoring Your Discontent: The Path to Authentic Career Alignment

If any of these experiences resonate with you, it’s crucial to acknowledge your discontent. Stop comparing yourself to others and questioning your own experience. Instead, lean in, listen, and get curious about what’s going on within you.

Honoring your discontent means recognizing the feelings that arise as you drive to work, the dread and energy drain. It involves bringing loving curiosity to these emotions and asking yourself why you feel this way. Only by acknowledging the problem can you begin to find a solution.

Embracing the Call for Something More

If you’re feeling the longing for more freedom, meaning, joy, or simply laughter in your life, know that your feelings are valid. You are not wrong for wanting more. These emotions are messengers guiding you toward decisions that align with your values.

This realization drove me to start my coaching business and create “Authentic Career Alignment.” It’s for those who feel trapped, sense the wrongness, and believe that work should bring joy and fulfillment. It’s for those who feel a pull toward something more, even if they’re unsure where to start.

Join the Journey to Authentic Career Alignment

If you’ve resonated with my story, if you’ve felt trapped in the wrong career, and if you’re yearning for a life that offers freedom and fulfillment, then “Authentic Career Alignment” is designed for you. Enrollment is open now, and the program begins on October 15th. This is a unique opportunity to transform your career and life.

I encourage you to connect with me to explore this transformative journey further. I’ve been where you are, and I want to help you find your path to authentic career alignment. Let’s embrace the call for something more and create a life that truly resonates with us.

Don’t hesitate to reach out and take the first step towards your own journey to authentic career alignment. Your discontent is a powerful guide, and together, we can unlock your path to a more joyful and fulfilling career.

“You’re not wrong. The wrongness means something in life is wrong and that’s okay. There’s ways to fix it and change it, but we can only change it when we start to acknowledge the problem.”

Chelsea Turgeon

Join the Authentic Career Alignment here:

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