One Simple Tool for a Happier Life

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The Problem: “I’m Not Good Enough”

Do you struggle with negative thinking as much as I do? Have you ever realized that when you are feeling depressed, anxious or angry- it is usually due to a negative thought spiral? Did you know that your thoughts can directly create your feelings?

Even while trying to write this blog post about positive thinking a whole slew of negative thoughts crept in. “How am I qualified to write this blog post?” “What if nobody cares or likes it?” ” What if my advice isn’t good enough or doesn’t help anyone?”

These are classic negative thought patterns. Some version of “I’m not good enough”. I’m not smart enough, skinny enough, etc.  Does that sound familiar to you?

Many of us have this deep seated belief that we are not good enough. But where does this belief come from?

A belief is essentially a thought that you have over and over again until it becomes ingrained in your mind and automatic.

The best way to counteract these negative beliefs is to replace them with positive ones. Simple, right?

While this strategy is VERY straightforward and effective, that doesn’t mean it is easy to implement.

The Solution: Positive Mantras

Mantras are short, positive statements that you repeat over and over again either out loud or silently to yourself. The idea is that by intentionally focusing your energy on a positive thought you can override those automatic negative thoughts that contaminate your mind.

Two things need to happen in order for mantras to be effective for you:

      1. You need to choose the RIGHT mantra
      2. You have to actually USE your mantra

Choosing the right mantra is important because you want to actually believe in the words you  are saying. They should evoke some type of positive emotional reaction in you.

Here are some examples of mantras that have worked for me in various situations. Read through this list and pick one or two that really resonated with you.

You can also feel free to devise your own mantras  based on the negative thoughts that plague you the most. Another idea is to google “positive mantras” to find tons of other suggestions.

General Mantras

  • I am supported and have lots of love surrounding me
  • Everything is always working out for me

When you feel the need to start comparing….

  • I’m not playing that game
  • I don’t have to be perfect– I get to be me

When you are feeling scarcity creep in….

  • There is no shortage of love and joy in the world
  • In this moment I have exactly what I need
  • There are so many people to love in the world

When you need a pep talk about your self worth….

  • I love and approve of you, [insert your name here]
  • I am more than good enough and I get better every day
  • I am worthy of love and belonging
  • I am delightful
  • I am a joyful breeze entering the room

When you notice you are getting stuck in a negative thought spiral….

  • I let go of worries that drain my energy– it feels good to let go
  • I want to feel good
  • I can choose my thoughts
  • I release any need for negativity and suffering

Using Your Mantras on the Reg

Once you choose a few mantras that resonate with you the real work of implementing them begins. Here is my best advice/ ideas of bringing this practice into your daily life.

  • Write it down: Keep all of your mantras easily accessible at a moments notice- write them down in your planner, create a note in your iphone notes app, etc. Do whatever works for you. The point is that you have them written down somewhere convenient so you can reference your mantras at any point in the day. This is especially important as you start out so that you don’t forget your mantras!
  • Ring the alarm: Set an alarm in your phone every 2-3 hours, and label it with your mantra. Every time your phone alarm goes off you are reminded of the positive vibes.
  • Post it: Write it on a post it note and put that post it somewhere you will see it every day. Stick it to your laptop or desktop, on the walls of your office or cubicle, on the fridge, on your bathroom mirror, on your steering wheel. Get creative with it. The more post it notes the better!
  • Set your mantra as your phone background/screen saver. This is what I find to be most effective. If you are anything like me and check your phone 900 times a day, then you will see your mantra 900 times. This method is so perfect because then literally every time you look at your phone you are reminded of your mantra. Since this is the one I find to be most effective- I made a freebie for it. I designed 5 positive mantra wallpapers just for you! All you have to do to access them is sign up using the form below.  Trust me- these will be life changing.
  • Create a morning ritual. Every morning when you wake up repeat your mantra 10 times to start your day off on the right note and get the good vibes flowing.

What positive mantras do you use to help turn your frown upside down? What tricks do you have for remembering to use your mantras throughout the day?


Pssst… Don’t miss my freebie! I made 5 inspirational phone backgrounds just for you. Sign up below to snatch yours for free :))

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