Permission to Start Over: How to Overcome Fear and Embrace Your Authentic Career Path

In this episode, we explore the idea of starting over in your career and how it doesn’t have to be as scary as we think. we talked about what it really means to start over in your career. We discussed the cognitive biases that hold us back and reframed some of those limiting beliefs.

I shared some personal stories about my own career journey and how I found joy and fulfillment in my work by giving myself permission to pivot and start over

  • What it really means to start over in your career
  • The cognitive biases that hold us back
  • Personal stories about finding joy and fulfillment in work
  • Practical tips and resources for your own pivot journey

If you’re feeling stuck in your career and wondering if there’s something more out there for you, this episode is for you.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

The Fear of Starting Over: How to Overcome it and Embrace the Unknown

As human beings, we tend to cling to what is familiar and comfortable, even if it’s not what we truly want or need. This is especially true when it comes to our careers. We may feel stuck in a job we don’t love, but the thought of starting over can be paralyzing. In this blog post, I’ll share some reframes and insights that can help you overcome the fear of starting over and embrace the unknown.

Reframe #1: You’re Never Actually Starting Over

One of the biggest fears about starting over is the idea that you’re falling behind or losing ground. But the truth is, you’re never actually starting over. You’re always taking your skills, experience, and life with you. No one can take away the skills, education, or experiences that you’ve gained in your past. Even if you’re moving onto a totally different career path, the skills you have are wildly relatable to anything else you want to do.

Reframe #2: Being a Beginner Doesn’t Have to Mean Misery

Another fear of starting over is the idea that you have to go through a period of misery. We’ve all heard stories of people working long hours, being treated like crap, and going through a pay-your-dues mentality. But the reality is, you don’t have to choose a career where that’s the environment you’re in. Not every career path has that sort of hierarchy or pay-your-dues mentality. You can choose a career where you’re a beginner, and you’re treated with respect and dignity.

Reframe #3: Your Career Is Not a Race to the Finish Line

The arrival fallacy is the idea that we’re racing to a finish line, and once we get there, everything will be better. But the truth is, the finish line is not any better than the journey to get there. Direction is so much more important than speed. It’s not about arriving somewhere; it’s about the journey and the moments along the way. When you’re on a path that is authentic to you, you’ll experience joy, fulfillment, and satisfaction.

The Joyful Work of Starting Over

Starting over doesn’t have to be scary or overwhelming. It can be a joyful experience that brings you closer to your authentic self and your true calling. When you’re on the right path, it’s the right kind of hard work. It’s the work that feels like play, that brings you into a state of flow, and that makes you feel fulfilled. You don’t have to wait until you get to a finish line to experience happiness and fulfillment. It’s there for you right now, on the path that you’re meant to be on.


The fear of starting over is a common one, but it doesn’t have to hold you back. By reframing your thinking and embracing the unknown, you can find the career path that’s truly right for you. Remember, you’re never actually starting over, being a beginner doesn’t have to mean misery, and your career is not a race to the finish line. It’s about the journey and the moments along the way. So take the first step, and start your joyful work of starting over.

“Our careers do not have to be a race to the finish line. Your direction is so much more important than speed.”

Chelsea Turgeon

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