Take Back Control Over Your Time and Stop Being a Time Victim

This is the 6th episode of our Permission to Pivot Series. In this episode, we’ll be discussing the irony of time and how we often spend it by default without considering the consequences.

Discover how being a time victim leads to unfulfillment and how to make hard decisions about your priorities.

We’ll also delve into the importance of taking control of our time and prioritizing ourselves, especially when it comes to finding a fulfilling career and life.

You’ll learn:

  • Taking control of your time
  • Identifying your priorities
  • The Avoidance Tactics

And if you’re feeling stuck and unhappy in your current career, we’ve got you covered.

I’m introducing you to our program, Pathway to Purpose, which is designed to help you connect to your purpose and create a fulfilling career and life.

It’s a streamlined process that only requires four hours a week, so you can prioritize yourself without sacrificing too much of your time.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your time and prioritize yourself, join us in this episode, and let’s get started.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

How to Prioritize Your Life

As a career coach, I speak to many individuals who feel unfulfilled and unhappy in their careers. They often say they don’t have enough time to focus on finding a fulfilling career. But the truth is, time is a limited resource that we must prioritize intentionally. In this post, I’ll share my insights on how to take control of your time and make it work for you.

The Irony of Time

We often spend our time by default, without considering the consequences of our actions. We waste time Googling and asking for advice, looking for a quick fix instead of investing time and energy in intentional prioritization of self. The results we want, such as a fulfilling career and life, require time and effort. It’s time to take control and prioritize yourself.

Avoidance Tactic

When we say, “I’m too busy,” we’re avoiding facing the harder questions. Are we on the right path? What needs to change for us to feel fulfilled? It’s important to recognize this avoidance tactic and ask ourselves what we’re getting off the hook from by being too busy. We need to confront difficult truths and make hard changes to move forward.

Take Ownership of Your Time

We need to take ownership and responsibility for how we spend our time. When we say, “I’m too busy,” we’re operating from a state of time victimhood. We’re being a victim of time instead of recognizing that we have control over our time. We need to realize that we choose everything on our calendar and take full responsibility for that fact.

Accepting Time is Limited

Time is a limited resource, and we cannot do it all. Every time we say yes to something, we say no to something else. We need to accept that time is finite and make difficult decisions about what’s a priority for us in this season of life. We need to get clear on our priorities and make cuts to make room for them.

Implementing Change

Once we’ve taken ownership of our time, accepted that it’s limited, and gotten clear on our priorities, it’s time to implement change. We need to make hard decisions about what’s a priority for us and what we need to say no to. We need to carve out time and space for the things that matter most to us.

In conclusion, time is a limited resource that we need to prioritize intentionally. We need to take ownership of our time, accept that it’s limited, and make hard decisions about what’s a priority for us. By doing so, we can create a more fulfilling career and life. If you’re feeling unfulfilled and want to find a fulfilling career, consider joining my program Pathway to Purpose. It’s an eight-week group program that will help you connect to your purpose and create a fulfilling career and life.

Learn more about PATHWAY TO PURPOSEwww.coachchelsmd.com/pathwaytopurpose/

Every time that you say YES to something, you are saying NO to something else.

Chelsea Turgeon

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