The 3 MOST CRUCIAL steps to take when something feels off in your career

Recently I’ve noticed that some things have felt off in my business and it’s been causing frustration, overwhelm, and social media-related burnout.

In this episode, I get super raw and honest with you as I share:

  • how I started to notice that things were off
  • what I’ve been doing to course-correct
  • the 3 step process I use to bring myself back into alignment (and how you can do it too!)

If you’ve been feeling like something is OFF in your career, but don’t know where to start, this episode is for you.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

My Journey Towards Career Freedom and Fulfillment

As I reflect on my career path, I’ve come to realize the importance of doing the inner work to align my desires with my actions. It all started with paying attention to my energy and emotions, identifying where I felt constricted and where I felt lit up with excitement. This self-awareness led me to question the direction I was headed and explore what truly brought me joy.

Connecting with My Desires and Values

During this journey, I connected back to my desires and the version of myself that I sometimes lost while going through medical training. I identified my values, strengths, and unique purpose, which served as my compass for career alignment. It was liberating to realize that I wasn’t broken or lacking in interests and desires. There were genuine passions and dreams within me waiting to be acknowledged.

Releasing Limiting Stories

However, as I started vocalizing my desires, doubts and fears crept in. I found myself confronted with stories of why my dreams were unrealistic or impractical. Thoughts of scarcity, self-doubt, and unworthiness held me back from taking action. It was time to challenge these stories and reframe my mindset. I shifted from self-doubt to self-trust, understanding that I deserved to pursue a fulfilling career and live a life aligned with my values.

Making Space for Change

To create space for my desires to manifest, I had to release the stories and limitations that held me back. Some of these stories could be logically debunked, while others required deeper emotional work. I engaged in practices like tapping and somatic release to reprogram my subconscious and release the emotional blocks. Through this process, I let go of the belief that I had to work incessantly to prove my worth and embraced the mantra, “I’m not playing that game anymore.”

Taking Intentional Action

With my desires clarified and the limiting stories dismantled, it was time to take intentional action towards my ideal career. I created a clear roadmap that would lead me to freedom and fulfillment. This included practical steps like adjusting my schedule, delegating tasks, and simplifying my business. I learned to identify the needle-moving actions and consistently move towards my goals, while also allowing myself to enjoy the journey.

Embracing Career Freedom and Fulfillment

As I implemented these changes, I felt a mix of fear and excitement. It was uncomfortable to step out of my comfort zone, but I reminded myself that discomfort doesn’t equate to failure. I didn’t have to feel ready to embark on this new path; I simply had to trust myself and take action at a pace that felt right for me. By aligning my desires, values, and actions, I was creating a career that brought me freedom and fulfillment.

If you’re feeling lost or stuck in your career, I encourage you to embark on your own journey of authentic career alignment. Connect with your desires, challenge the stories holding you back, and take intentional action towards a career that truly resonates with you. Remember, the journey itself is the destination, and with each step, you’ll be one step closer to waking up excited for your day.

To learn more about authentic career alignment and how it can transform your professional life, click HERE to explore the program. Enrollments close on October 14th, and the program starts on October 15th.

Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey, and I look forward to seeing you thrive in a career that brings you joy and fulfillment.

Stay tuned for more insights and inspiration next week!

“Most people climb a whole ladder only to realize the ladder is tilted against the wrong wall.”

Chelsea Turgeon

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