The HARDEST parts of my Life After Medicine

Do you have a nagging voice telling you to pursue something, but fear is holding you back?

It’s not just about leaving medicine or not leaving medicine; it’s about following your longing, following that tug on your heart, following that pull towards something more.

In this episode, I talk about

  • dealing with haters and judgement and people who just don’t understand your decisions
  • the time I fully spiraled out and questioned if leaving medicine was a horrible mistake
  • why, even when its HARD and PAINFUL it’s so wildly worth it to step out of your comfort zone and face your fears.

Join me as I get REAL about the hardest parts of my life after medicine.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Fear of Being Judged

I recently experienced public judgment when I wrote a blog post about leaving residency. I received a comment from an old man who said that I was selfish and that I should be dedicating my life to others. At first, I felt ashamed and unworthy. But then I realized that this man was a symbol of the patriarchy in medicine that is so oppressive to many women and minorities. I was able to work through my emotions and deepen my connection to my message and mission. Being judged was hard, but it was the right kind of hard.

Fear of Failure

As a perfectionist, I used to be terrified of trying something new that might result in failure. When I first launched my program for healthcare professionals, I only had two people apply for my one-on-one coaching, and neither of them signed up. I felt embarrassed and sad, but I was able to work through those feelings and remember all of the incredible experiences I’ve had since leaving medicine.

The Right Kind of Hard

The right kind of hard is something that brings us closer to ourselves and makes us feel more connected to who we want to be. It’s important to recognize that taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones can be scary, but it’s worth it to follow our longings and pursue our passions.

The Importance of Emotional Coping Tools

Having emotional coping tools is crucial when going through difficult times. I’ve learned that it’s okay to feel emotions and that we can work through them to come out stronger on the other side. Immersing myself in nature has been especially helpful for me.

Following Our Longings

At the end of the day, following our longings is what truly matters. We all feel a tug or a pull towards something more, and it’s up to us to pursue that, whatever it may be. Leaving medicine was the right decision for me, but it hasn’t been easy. However, I’ve grown so much as a person since then, and I’m grateful for all of the experiences I’ve had.

In summary, leaving medicine has been a challenging journey, but it’s been the right kind of hard. Working through my fears of judgment and failure has taught me the importance of emotional coping tools and following my longings. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

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