The Key to Unlocking the Golden Handcuffs in Your Doctor Career Path

Feeling stuck in a doctor career path can make you think escape is impossible.

“I don’t want to work in this field anymore, but with the salary that I make,

I don’t see how I can make a career change.”

Is this line of thinking something you can relate to?

One of the MAIN reasons healthcare professionals
feel trapped in their current careers
is because of the money.

Those golden handcuffs.

You have this belief that “Nothing will pay what I make clinically.”

But this is completely false.

In this episode you’ll:

  1. Discover how to calculate your hourly rate (which- is pretty depressing tbh).
  2. Learn strategies to set financial priorities that align with your happiness and values.
  3. Get inspired by alternative career pathways that are both profitable and personally fulfilling.

Tune in to discover how you can seek a fulfilling career without compromising your financial stability.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

Reimagining Your Doctor Career Path

Have you ever calculated what you actually earn per hour?

You grind through long shifts, often putting in unpaid extra hours for charting and prep work.

When you break it down to an hourly wage, you might find that you’re not making as much as you think.

Many doctors assume that their six-figure salaries are irreplaceable.

But think about all the unpaid hours you’re putting in.

For instance, if you look at an OB/GYN’s annual salary, which might average around $224,000, it breaks down to about $53 per hour when you factor in the real hours worked.

That’s not as high as it initially seems, right?

The True Cost of Pursuing Your Doctor Career Path

Have you ever thought about what your clinical job costs you in terms of life satisfaction?

High-stress levels can lead to physical and mental health issues.

You might end up spending a lot on therapy, massages, or even vacations just to cope.

These hidden costs add up, both financially and emotionally.

Also, consider the strain on your relationships.

If your job is taking a toll on your marriage or family life, the financial gain might not be worth it.

Finding Financial Stability Outside Clinical Work

You don’t need another degree to earn a high salary outside of medicine.

Let’s challenge that belief. I’ve seen people earn solid incomes in various fields that are less draining.

First, identify what you enjoy.

Is there a subject you’re passionate about?

I once made $60 per hour teaching biology online to students in China.

That’s more than the average family practice doctor makes per hour.

Setting Your Own Financial Priorities

It’s essential to create your personalized financial priorities.

What’s important to you?

A big house might chain you to a draining job just to pay the mortgage.

Are those luxuries really worth the stress?

Map out a budget that aligns with your life goals and values.

Focus on what truly makes you happy rather than what society expects.

Rewrite Your Money Story

Challenge and rewrite your limiting beliefs about money.

Understand that when you provide value, you can earn money.

Look at people who have transitioned out of clinical roles successfully.

If they can do it, so can you.

Consider role models and examples of people who found financial stability and fulfillment outside of medicine.

Sometimes, all it takes is being open to new opportunities.

How to Transition from Your Doctor Career Path

To start, connect with yourself and understand your financial needs.

How much do you really need to live comfortably?

What roles or industries pique your interest?

Next, overhaul your mindset about money and earning potential.

Seek jobs or careers where your unique skills and experiences add value.

This could be anything from consulting to teaching, or even starting your own business.

Last, but not least, take action.

Whether it’s applying for jobs, enrolling in a course, or networking with professionals in your field of interest, each step brings you closer to a career that makes you both happy and financially stable.

The idea that nothing will pay what you make clinically is a myth.

Many avenues allow you to earn a stable income, often with less stress and higher satisfaction.

It starts with reframing your beliefs about money and your value.

Let’s leave behind the golden handcuffs and chart a new course that aligns with our personal values and life goals.

It’s not just about the money; it’s about finding work that doesn’t drain your soul and brings you joy.

You deserve a fulfilling career that pays well and allows you to enjoy life.

If you’re ready to start this journey, book your free career clarity call with me.

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