The Problem with Waiting for a Deadline in the Future

How much of your life have you spent waiting for a deadline in the future? I’m going to power through these next few years until I pay back my loans. Or, I’m going to wait until the kids go off to college.

You wait for some situation to pass, or the perfect moment to present itself.

It’s like that “My diet starts tomorrow” mentality

We often delay our deepest dreams, waiting for the elusive “right time.”

And we convince ourselves that being patient- is the responsible thing to do.

But is it responsible? Or are we perpetually letting “life” get in the way.

In this episode, we dive into:

  1. The dangers of delayed gratification and waiting for the perfect moment.
  2. Why impatience is actually a superpower.
  3. The reframe that will help you stop perpetually dreaming- and start actually DOING.

If you are sick of saying “someday” and ready to start taking action now- this episode is exactly what you need!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

Embracing Your Now Game

Most of us in healthcare have big dreams on our hearts—starting businesses, writing books, traveling the world—but we keep delaying them.

We tell ourselves, “Oh, I’ll do it once I pay off my student loans,” or “When the kids grow up, then I’ll follow my passion.”

Honestly, we make these super logical excuses to avoid discomfort and fear.

But here’s the thing: we need less patience, less delayed gratification, and more living in the now.

You don’t have to wait until everything is perfect to start living.

Be a little impatient.

Yes, being responsible is important, but what if being overly responsible is holding you back?

The “My Diet Starts Tomorrow” Mentality

Have you ever heard someone committing to a future healthy lifestyle while munching on chocolate cake?

It’s the classic “my diet starts tomorrow” line.

The same goes for our dreams.

We delay them with valid-sounding excuses, but these excuses are just ways to avoid the discomfort of change.

It’s the socially acceptable way to put off living the life you really want.

Think about it: How long have you been saying, “I’ll do that someday”?

Whether it’s starting that side hustle or moving abroad, there’s always a reason to wait.

The truth is, if you’re honest with yourself, you’re probably just scared.

And it’s okay to admit that.

The Illusion of Time and the Danger of Delayed Gratification

Let’s take a lesson from an old Buddha quote that says, “The trouble is, you think you have time.”

We live like we have endless time on this planet, but we don’t.

What if you had just a year left to live?

What would you regret not doing?

It’s a sobering thought.

The things you’d wish you had done are likely the things you’re avoiding right now.

Tim Ferriss, in his book “The Four-Hour Workweek,” asks, “What if retirement wasn’t an option?”

What if you had to find a way to make your life sustainable now, without waiting for some distant future?

Stop preparing and start living. Your time is now.

What’s Really Holding You Back and Waiting for a Deadline in the Future

You might be thinking, “But I have valid reasons for waiting!”

Here’s a tough-love reality check: those reasons often mask fear.

Fear of failure, fear of disappointment, or even fear that reality won’t meet our dreams.

It’s easier to romanticize the idea of living your dreams than it is to face the nitty-gritty reality of making them happen.

You’re afraid the reality won’t match the fantasy.

But guess what?

Real life, with its ups and downs, imperfections, and messiness, is still a life worth living.

You don’t need your dreams to be perfect; you need them to be real.

Why Perfection is Overrated

When I was in medicine, I fantasized about being a digital nomad, with a perfect routine, all while sipping latte in gorgeous cafes.


It’s messy.

I have my bad days, my annoying moments, but guess what?

I love it because it’s real.

The imperfect reality of living my dream beats any perfect fantasy.

Remember that Harry Potter scene where Dumbledore says, “It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live”?

He nailed it.

Stop romanticizing and start living your imperfect, beautiful reality.

Take That Leap

So, healthcare warriors, what is that thing on your heart that you keep postponing?

Be brave and take the leap.

You’re not alone; many have walked this path before you, and it’s worth every step.

What if the “perfect time” you are waiting for never comes?

Do you keep waiting, or do you start now?

Your dreams are not on hold; they’re waiting for you to take action.

Your time is not someday; it’s today.

Stop making excuses and start making moves.

It’s time to be a little irresponsible, a tad impatient, and grab life by the horns.

Practical Steps to Stop Waiting for a Deadline in the Future

1. Identify Your Dream:

Write it down. Be specific. Is it starting a new career? Traveling the world? Whatever it is, get it out of your head and onto paper.

2. Break It Down:

Big dreams can feel overwhelming. Break your dream into smaller, manageable steps. What can you do today to get closer to your goal?

3. Set a Deadline:

A dream without a deadline is just a wish. Set a realistic but challenging timeframe for each step of your dream.

4. Take Immediate Action:

What’s one small thing you can do right now? Make that call, send that email, buy that domain name—just start.

5. Find a Support System:

Surround yourself with people who encourage you. Whether it’s friends, family, or a community of like-minded individuals, support makes a huge difference.

6. Reflect and Adjust:

Regularly check in with yourself. Are you making progress? Do you need to adjust your plan? It’s okay to change course but keep moving forward.

The Magic of Imperfections

Healthcare professionals, your dreams deserve to see the light of day.

You don’t need to wait until you have paid off loans, raised kids, or found the perfect moment.

Life won’t hand you a perfect moment; you have to create it.

Embrace the imperfections, the messiness, and the reality of your dreams.

They might not look exactly how you imagined, but they will be real, and they will be yours.

Don’t dwell on dreams.

Live them.

Your diet doesn’t start tomorrow—your dream life starts now.

What are you waiting for?

Seize the moment, and watch your life transform in ways you never imagined.

If you want help clarifying your next step for your career, apply for a free 30- min career clarity call– so you can receive personalized guidance. 🙂

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