The Shift You Must Make to Overcome Your Fear of the Unknown

Have you ever thought about making a change in your career, only to be paralyzed by fear of the unknown?

Questions like,

What if I fail?

What if I’m not good enough?

What if I can’t make enough money in my next career.?

The fear of the unknown can be paralyzing.

Back in residency, I was considering making a change, and that terrified me.

I was filled with fear of the unknown.

I had this huge list of what-ifs.

But I realized,

This huge list of fears could have kept me stuck forever.

In this episode, I am going to share exactly what I did to move out of this fear- and how you can do it too!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

The Familiar Grips of Discomfort

Many of us stay in situations that drain us because it’s what we know.

The discomfort of our daily grind, laden with stress and dread, becomes our norm.

We tell ourselves, “This is just how it is.”

We go to work dreading the day ahead but manage because we’re accustomed to this level of discomfort.

Over time, we develop coping mechanisms like overworking, indulging too much on our days off, or spending money on things we don’t need, just to make the grind seem bearable.

But What If We Chose Wonder Over Worry?

I want to introduce a simple yet profound shift: trading your worries for wonders.

Instead of fretting about all that could go wrong if you step away from the path you know—be it leaving your clinical position, cutting back your hours, or switching specialties—start dreaming about all that could go right.

Wonder Opens Doors

When you allow yourself to wonder, you open up to the myriad possibilities that life has to offer.

Wonder makes us ask, “What’s next?” with a gleam in our eye rather than a dread in our stomach.

Suppose you’ve been hesitant about making a career shift because you’re worried about financial stability, or what your peers might think.

In that case, wonder helps you think, “What if I succeed beyond my expectations? What if this change allows me to lead a richer, more balanced life?”

Lean Into the Unknown

The truth is, taking that first step into the unknown is the hardest part.

But what if, instead of fearing what you might lose, you focus on what you stand to gain?

Your skills are transferable to many other fields and ventures. You have developed resilience, empathy, and a work ethic that can pave the way for success in numerous other areas.

Imagine what could happen if you channel these into a new passion.

Perhaps starting a health consultancy, joining a tech startup in the health sector, or even taking a break to travel and gain new perspectives could lead to opportunities you never thought possible.

Turning What Ifs Around

Think about your biggest “What if it goes wrong?” and turn it into a “What if it goes right?”

For every negative scenario you’ve constructed in your mind, challenge yourself to think of a positive one.

If the worst fear is “What if I can’t make money doing something else?” flip it to “What if I find a way to earn more by doing something I actually love?”

Begin Your Journey with a Single-Step

Start small.

Perhaps committing one day a week to explore your interests outside of healthcare. Join a community or a class.

Speak to mentors.

Network with people who have made similar shifts and thrived.

Each small step will build your confidence and help solidify your vision.

What If You Fly?

Every change starts with a decision.

And every decision includes a dose of fear.

But alongside that fear is your incredible potential waiting to be unleashed.

By trading worry for wonder, you’re not only transforming your career but reshaping your entire outlook on life.

It’s okay to let go of what you’ve always known to embrace what could be.

Remember, your career doesn’t have to define your whole identity.

You are multifaceted and capable of more than you can imagine.

There’s this poem written by a poet named Erin Hansen:

“There’s freedom waiting for you on the breezes of the sky. And you ask, what if I fall? Oh, but my darling. What if you fly?”

Let wonder lead the way as you carve a path that truly resonates with you.

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