Veto Your Inner Critic and Follow Your Passion

Are you feeling like something is missing in your life? Have you felt burnt out at work and wondered if there’s more to life than your current job?

In this episode, we talk to Athena White, a physician assistant and weightlifting enthusiast who is turning her passion for self-care into an e-commerce business. She shares her journey to finding fulfillment and purpose in her career. Athena went from feeling lost and overwhelmed with options to discovering her values and passions.

We delve into the power of self-care and how it can help healthcare professionals prioritize their well-being in a demanding field. Athena also shares her exciting new venture, a subscription box for medical women that focuses on mental and physical health.

You will learn:

  • the simple practice Athena did every morning to gain clarity
  • how she practiced self-acceptance and self-discovery to uncover her unique path
  • all her best tips for turning an idea from a “pipe dream” into reality

If you have an idea you’ve been wanting to take action on or want to prioritize your self-care, this episode is for you.

Listen in and get inspired to take charge of your own journey toward a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in on Apple Podcasts or Spotify.

Have you ever found yourself feeling like something is missing in your life? Have you ever felt burnt out at work and wondered if there’s more to life than just your job? Athena White, a physician assistant, weightlifting enthusiast, and e-commerce entrepreneur, has been there. But instead of letting those feelings consume her, she took action, listened to herself, and pursued her passion.

Listening to Yourself

Athena’s journey started with taking the time to listen to herself and her thoughts. She started doing morning pages, a practice from Julia Cameron’s book “The Artist Way,” where she would free-write for 30 minutes every morning. This allowed her to get to the root of what was going on and dump her subconscious onto paper. Through this process, she realized that she was losing touch with her creativity and that something was missing in the way she was contributing to the world.

Connecting with Others

Once Athena had a better understanding of herself and what was missing, she sought out resources that could help her. She joined Authentic Career Alignment, a program that helped her distill her ideas and focus on one path. She also connected with other people who had successfully created subscription boxes, which gave her the confidence to pursue her idea for a subscription box for women in healthcare.

Pursuing Your Passion

Athena’s idea for a subscription box was born out of her love for self-care and the desire to give healthcare workers something to look forward to every month. She did her research, broke down the steps she needed to take, and connected with others who had done it successfully. And now, she’s running her own successful subscription box business.

Lessons Learned

Athena’s journey teaches us that it’s never too late to pursue what makes you happy. Taking the time to listen to yourself and your thoughts, being in silence, and connecting with others who have done it successfully can help you find your calling and turn your ideas into reality.

So if you’re feeling like something is missing in your life, take a page out of Athena’s book. Listen to yourself, connect with others, and pursue your passion. You’ll be surprised at where it might take you.

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