
The Dangers of Being TOO Independent

Are you one of those independent people?

You are that person who takes care of it all and never has to ask for help. The person who just has it together.

I used to be like that. The lone wolf. Trying to do everything myself.

Until being so independent, essentially caused my entire life to fall apart

In this episode of Hot Take Tuesdays, I’m talking about the dangers of being so independent.

and how you can start to open yourself up to being supported by other people.

If you are someone who struggles asking for help, this is exactly what you need!

Use the audio player above to listen, or tune in here.

Embracing the Power of Connection

Being a health professional is an exhilarating and, often, exhausting journey.

We’re trained to be self-reliant, equipped to handle emergencies solo, and to be stand-alone pillars of strength and knowledge.

But let me ask you — when did doing it all alone become a badge of honor?

And at what cost?

Ironically, in our pursuit of caring for others, we’ve learned to neglect the power of leaning on someone else’s shoulder.

It’s okay to acknowledge that sometimes, the bravest thing you can do is ask for help.

The Illusion of ‘I Got This’

Remember when you juggled rotations, studying, and maybe a personal crisis, all on four hours of sleep?

You may have thought, “I got this,” a mantra echoing in the ears of many healthcare troopers.

But that stubborn spark of independence can be a sneaky thief, robbing us of our well-being.

It whispers sweet tales of self-sufficiency while stealthily piling on the weights onto our shoulders.

The result? A perfect recipe for burnout, seasoned with a dollop of loneliness.

Finding Strength in Vulnerability

Admitting that we’re human isn’t a sign of weakness.

It’s actually the ultimate show of courage. When we share our struggles, we share half the burden and double the muscle.

It’s all about flipping the script.

Instead of the old ‘lone wolf’ narrative, why not try something new?

Embrace the idea of life as a team sport because, let’s face it, even superheroes have sidekicks.

If we’re aiming to create a life that is not just successful but satisfying and sustainable, it’s time for some serious rewiring.

Start with these beliefs:

We’re all in this together.

Life is a team sport.

It’s safe to lean on others.

The universe always has my back.

People want to help me.

The world is a friendly place.

Let these mantras marinate in your mind until they become second nature.

Traveling in the Community Lane

Consider the concept of community, not just in your practice but beyond.

Solo trips might be thrilling, but there’s immense joy to be found in shared journeys.

Whether it’s discussing case studies over lunch, attending a conference with peers, or even venturing to a new country for a medical mission, collective experiences enrich our professional and personal lives.

We’re all on this grand adventure called life, each with our lessons to learn and wisdom to share.

By welcoming support and offering it freely, we not only grow as individuals and professionals, we also strengthen the very fabric of our healthcare community.

The next time you’re poised to soldier on solo, take a pause.

Look around.

Reach out.

Amazing things happen when we journey together.

Just Begin

I’m right there with you, retracing steps from a ‘do-it-myself’ creed to a symphony of communal trust. And boy, does it sound sweet.

Let’s rewrite this story together, shall we?

A narrative where support is not only welcomed but celebrated.

Where the weight on our shoulders finds relief in shared hands.

It’s time to choose the path less stressed.

In my own journey post-medicine, I assure you, the world is rich with lessons and laughter when you share the load.

It’s not about having all the answers; it’s about seeking them in good company.

So, here’s to the community.

Here’s to asking, giving, receiving, and moving forward — together.

And here’s to the healthcare community that realizes that to truly care for others, we must first learn to care for and support each other.

Relevant links:




Podcast episode:

When YOU Become The Patient: Important Life Update About My Recent Accident

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